Our Services

Working on report
qualified chartered surveyors

In house PVQ team

Our in-house PVQ team deal with queries raised from clients with a swift methodical approach, using databases and software to continually track the progress of the query. Our systems allow for queries to be settled quickly & efficiently keeping the valuation process as smooth as possible.

Vetting process

New members are required to complete a series of documents for review by our in-house management team. Returned documents including a copy of the surveyors latest P.I. certificate are essential to become part of the TWS panel

Bespoke report design

A short form design process can help to speed up turn around times for both the lender and brokers who may have to work with the strictest of timeframes. Talk to one of our team members to see if we can assist when time is of the essence!

Project monitoring service

Project monitoring is a vital part of any developers scheme and often required as part of the agreement with the lender & client. We offer stage release inspections and quantity surveying expertise in order for the client & lender to keep their budgets on track.

Quality Control Team

Our team provides a comprehensive quality checking service, ensuring all valuation reports meet the client's requirements. On occasions when information may be missing, our team flags the issue and returns the report to the surveyor for completion. Our quality control processes in turn reduce the number of PVQ's that follow.

Unique case handling service

All documentation collected from yourselves is treated in the strictest confidence following GDPR rules from initial instruction to completion of the final report, enabling the client to have a direct point of contact through the valuation process. Please read our use of data policy.

Data collection

All documentation from initial instruction to completion of the final report is collected by our team keeping the valuation process smooth for all parties involved.

what we do

Valuations and Surveys

We are a panel firm with over 700 surveyors operating across the UK who pride themselves on excellent service for their clients.

Request a quote today

If you would like a quote, please get in touch and a member of our team will be happy to help